口腔科常用的一些药物可能和患者正在使用的药物以及膳食补剂等发生相互作用而产生不良后果,下表摘自第二版的The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions.
- 口腔科药物可能和患者正在使用的药物发生相互作用
患者正在使用的药物 | 口腔科开具的药物 | 相互作用后果 |
抗微生物药·Antimicrobial Drugs | ||
酒精·Alcohol | 甲硝唑·Metronidazole | Disulfuram‐like reaction of nausea, vomiting, headache, flushing |
抗酸药和铁剂·Antacids and iron supplements | 四环素类·Tetracyclines | Loss of antibacterial action of tetracyclines |
阿托伐他汀,辛伐他汀,普伐他汀·Atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin | 红霉素,克拉霉素·Erythromycin, clarithromycin | Increased statin level precipitating possible muscle weakness and breakdown |
卡马西平·Carbamazepine | 红霉素,克拉霉素,多西环素,伊曲康唑,酮康唑·Erythromycin, clarithromycin, doxycycline, itraconazole, ketoconazole | Increased risk of carbamazepine toxicity |
环孢菌素·Cyclosporin | 氟康唑,伊曲康唑,酮康唑,两性霉素,克拉霉素·Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, amphotericin, clarithromycin | Increased risk of nephrotoxicity |
地高辛·Digoxin | 红霉素,四环素类,伊曲康唑,克拉霉素·Erythromycin, tetracyclines, itraconazole, clarithromycin | Digoxin toxicity |
锂剂·Lithium | 甲硝唑,四环素·Metronidazole, tetracycline | Increased lithium toxicity |
甲胺喋呤·Methotrexate | 青霉素类·Penicillins | Methotrexate toxicity |
咪达唑仑和其他苯二氮卓类·Midazolam and other benzodiazepines | 红霉素,克拉霉素,酮康唑,伊曲康唑·Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, ketoconazole, Itraconazole | Profound sedation |
口服避孕药·Oral contraceptives | 阿莫西林,红霉素,四环素类,甲硝唑,氨苄西林,(可能还有其他一些抗生素)Amoxicillin, erythromycin, tetracyclines, metronidazole, ampicillin, possibly other antibiotics | Contraceptive failure (low risk). (Patient should discuss with physician additional nonhormonal contraception use during antibiotic use and subsequent week |
苯妥英钠·Phenytoin | 氟康唑,酮康唑,甲硝唑·Fluconazole, ketoconazole, metronidazole | Increased plasma levels of phenytoin |
氨茶碱·Theophylline | 红霉素,克拉霉素,酮康唑,伊曲康唑·Erythromycin, clarithromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole | Theophylline toxicity |
华法林·Warfarin | 红霉素,甲硝唑,四环素类,酮康唑,克拉霉素,头孢菌素类·Erythromycin, metronidazole, tetracyclines, ketaconazole, clarithromycin, cephalosporins | Enhanced anticoagulation effect |
抗炎药/Anti‐inflammatory Drugs | ||
酒精·Alcohol | 阿司匹林·Aspirin | Increased risk of damage to gastric mucosa |
卡托普利和其他ACEi制剂·Captopril, other ACE inhibitors | 阿司匹林,布洛芬·Aspirin, ibuprofen | Reduction in antihypertensive effect |
皮质类固醇·Corticosteroids | 阿司匹林·Aspirin | Risk of salicylate toxicity on steroid withdrawal; increased risk of damage to gastric mucosa |
环孢菌素·Cyclosporin | 阿司匹林,非甾体类抗炎药·Aspirin, NSAIDs | Increased risk of nephrotoxicity |
地高辛·Digoxin | 阿司匹林,布洛芬·Aspirin, ibuprofen | Digoxin toxicity |
肝素,华法林·Heparin, warfarin | 阿司匹林,非甾体类抗炎药·Aspirin, NSAIDs | Risk of hemorrhage |
胰岛素,氯磺丙脲和其他降糖药·Insulin, chlorpropamide, other hypoglycemics | 阿司匹林·Aspirin | Risk of hypoglycemia |
锂剂·Lithium | 布洛芬,萘普生,塞来昔布·Ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib | Lithium toxicity |
甲胺喋呤·Methotrexate | 阿司匹林,布洛芬,萘普生·Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen | Methotrexate toxicity |
苯妥英钠·Phenytoin | 阿司匹林,非甾体类抗炎药·Aspirin, NSAIDs | Increased plasma levels of phenytoin |
丙戊酸(抗癫痫药)·Valproic acid | 阿司匹林·Aspirin | Risk of hemorrhage; increased valproate toxicity |
其他药物·Other Drugs | ||
酒精,镇静性H1受体拮抗肌,抗精神病药物,抗癫痫药·Alcohol, sedative H1 antagonists, neuroleptics, antiepileptics | 地西泮·Diazepam | Excessive sedation; impaired psychomotor skills; possible respiratory depression |
左旋甲状腺素·Levothyroxine | 肾上腺素·Epinephrine | Coronary insufficiency in patients with coronary artery disease |
普萘洛尔和其他beta受体阻滞剂·Propranolol, other beta blockers | 肾上腺素·Epinephrine | Marked hypertension and reflex bradycardia |
三环抗忧郁剂·Tricyclic antidepressants | 肾上腺素·Epinephrine | Hypertensive reaction and possible cardiac arrhythmias |
- 口腔科药物可能和患者正在使用的膳食补剂发生相互作用
膳食补剂-口腔科药物·Dietary Supplement–Dental Drug | 潜在相互作用能力·Potential Interaction | 影响·Implication |
钙剂·Calcium | ||
+多西环素··Doxycycline | Moderate | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness |
+四环素·Tetracycline | Moderate | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness |
夜来香(月见草油)Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) | ||
+阿司匹林·Aspirin | Moderate | Enhanced bleeding |
+布洛芬·Ibuprofen | Moderate | Enhanced bleeding |
银杏叶提取液·Ginko biloba extract | ||
+阿司匹林·Aspirin | Major | Enhanced bleeding |
+布洛芬·Ibuprofen | Major | Enhanced bleeding |
金丝桃·St. John’s wort (H. perforatum) | ||
+阿奇霉素·Azithromycin | Major | Possible photosensitivity reactions |
+苯二氮卓类·Benzodiazepines | Major | Reduced benzodiazepine effectiveness |
+克拉霉素·Clarithromycin | Major | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness |
+克林霉素·Clindamycin | Major | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness |
+可待因·Codeine | Major | Increase narcotic‐induced sleep time and analgesia |
+地塞米松·Dexamethasone | Major | Reduce dexamethasone effectiveness |
+苯海拉明·Diphenhydramine | Major | Possible photosensitivity reactions |
+多西环素·Doxycycline | Major | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness and Possible photosensitivity reactions |
+红霉素·Erythromycin | Major | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness |
+氢考酮·Hydrocodone | Major | Increase narcotic‐induced sleep time and analgesia |
+布洛芬·Ibuprofen | Major | Possible photosensitivity reactions |
+羟考酮·Oxycodone | Major | Increase narcotic‐induced sleep time and analgesia |
+泼尼松·Prednisone | Major | Reduced prednisone effectiveness |
+四环素·Tetracycline | Major | Reduced anti‐infective effectiveness |
+扎莱普隆(新一代非苯二氮苣类镇静催眠药)Zaleplon | Major | Reduced zaleplon effectiveness |
+唑吡坦·Zolpidem | Major | Reduced zaleplon effectiveness |
缬草根(从缬草根提取的镇定药)Valerian | ||
+苯二氮卓类·Benzodiazepines | Major | Excess sedation |
+可待因·Codeine | Major | Excess sedation |
+苯海拉明·Diphenhydramine | Major | Excess sedation |
+氢考酮·Hydrocodone | Major | Excess sedation |
+羟考酮·Oxycodone | Major | Excess sedation |
+扎莱普隆·Zaleplon | Major | Excess sedation |
+唑吡坦·Zolpidem | Major | Excess sedation |
Major: high severity and probable occurrence;
Moderate: moderate severity and probable occurrence or high severity and possible occurrence.