


Dim FilePath As String

Private Sub GetButton_Click() '通过加载外部html文件来填写文本框
    Dim fd As FileDialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
    fd.Title = "请选择html文件"
    fd.Filters.Add "HTML文件", "*.html"
    If fd.Show = -1 Then
        FilePath = fd.SelectedItems(1)
        Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        Dim filecontent As String
        filecontent = fso.opentextfile(FilePath, 1).readall
        Start = InStr(filecontent, "patient.name") + 14
        last = InStr(Start, filecontent, "</TD>")
        Me.NameBox.Value = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start)

        'Start1 = InStr(filecontent, "patient.name")
        'last = InStr(Start1, filecontent, "</TD>")
        'str1 = Mid(filecontent, Start1, last - Start1) '得到从P之后到</TD>之前这一段字段
        'Start = Start1 + InStr(str1, ">") '在str1中查找>首次出现的位置,在P的位置的基础上获取新的"Start"
        'Me.NameBox.Value = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start) '获取>之后和</TD>之间的所有字段。
        Start = InStr(filecontent, "patient.sex") + 13
        last = InStr(Start, filecontent, "</TD>")
        Me.GenderComboBox.Value = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start)
        Start = InStr(filecontent, "patient.age") + 13
        last = InStr(Start, filecontent, "</TD>")
        Me.AgeBox.Value = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start)
        Start = InStr(filecontent, "residence.now.bed") + 19
        last = InStr(Start, filecontent, "</TD>")
        Me.Bedbox.Value = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start)
        Start = InStr(filecontent, "residence.event") + 17
        last = InStr(Start, filecontent, "</TD>")
        Me.IDBox.Value = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start)
        Start = InStr(filecontent, "诊断/入院初步诊断") + 46
        last = InStr(Start, filecontent, "</TD>")
        '提取的诊断中有空格符——"&nbsp"——,通过`Do While... Loop`循环删除
        Dim a, b As String
        a = Mid(filecontent, Start, last - Start)
        b = "&nbsp"
        Do While InStr(b, "&nbsp") <> 0 'instr中若不包含某字符,则取0,0以后的数字表示仍包含所查找的字符
            b = Replace(a, "&nbsp", "") '通过replace函数来删除特定字符
        Me.DiaTextBox.Value = b
    End If
    Kill FilePath '内容加载完毕后删除文件
End Sub

Private Sub ItemComboBox_Enter()
    ItemComboBox.List = Array("细菌培养", "细菌培养+药敏") 
End Sub

Private Sub DocComboBox_Enter()
    DocComboBox.List = Array("医生1", "医生2", "医生3", "医生4")
End Sub

Private Sub GenderComboBox_Enter()
    GenderComboBox.List = Array("男", "女")
End Sub

Private Sub PrintButton_Click()
    With Sheet1
        .Cells(3, 2).Value = Me.NameBox.Value
        .Cells(3, 4).Value = Me.GenderComboBox.Value
        .Cells(3, 6).Value = Me.AgeBox.Value
        .Cells(4, 2).Value = Me.ItemComboBox.Value
        .Cells(4, 4).Value = Me.Bedbox.Value
        .Cells(4, 6).Value = Me.IDBox.Value
        .Cells(5, 2).Value = Me.DiaTextBox.Value
        .Cells(6, 2).Value = Me.LocBox.Value
        .Cells(7, 2).Value = Me.TypeBox.Value
        .Cells(9, 2).Value = Me.DocComboBox.Value
        .Cells(9, 6).Value = Now()
    End With
    ExecuteExcel4Macro "PRINT(1,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE)"
End Sub

Private Sub ClearButton_Click()
    NameBox.Value = ""
    GenderComboBox.Value = ""
    AgeBox.Value = ""
    ItemComboBox.Value = ""
    Bedbox.Value = ""
    IDBox.Value = ""
    DiaTextBox.Value = ""
    LocBox.Value = ""
    TypeBox.Value = ""
    DocComboBox.Value = ""
End Sub

Private Sub QuitButton_Click()
End Sub


Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    细菌培养申请单.Show '“细菌培养申请单”是用户窗体的名称
End Sub
