
Table. Characteristics of tetanus-prone wounds

Clinical features Tetanus-prone wounds Nontetanus-prone wounds
Age of wound >6 hr <=6 hr
Configuration Stellate wound Linear wound
Depth >1 cm <= 1 cm
Mechanism of injury Missile, crush, burn, or frostbite Sharp surface(e.g. knife)
Signs of infection Present Absent
Devitalized tissue Present Absent
Contaminants (dirt, feces, soil, saliva) Present Absent
Denervated or ischemic tissue, or both Present Absent

Table. Summary guide to tetanus prophylaxis in routine wound management. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: ACIP recommendations: Use of a reduced (4-dose) vaccine schedule for postexposure prophylaxis to prevent human rabies, 2011[http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/resources/acip_recommendations.html]).

1 A primary series consists of a minimum of 3 doses of tetanus- and
diphtheria-containing vaccine (DTaP/DTP/Tdap/DT/Td).
2 Age-appropriate vaccine:

  • DTaP for infants and children 6 weeks up to 7 years of age (or DT pediatric if pertussis vaccine is contraindicated);
  • Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) toxoid for persons 7 through 9 years of age; and >= 65 years of age;
  • Tdap for persons 10 through 64 years, unless the person has received a prior dose of Tdap.*

3 No vaccine or TIG is recommended for infants < 6 weeks of age with clean, minor wounds. (And no vaccine is licensed for infants < 6 weeks of age.)
4 Tdap is preferred for persons age 10 through 64 who have never received Tdap. Td is preferred to tetanus toxoid (TT) for persons 7 through 9 years, or >= 65 years, or those who have received a Tdap previously. If TT is administered, an adsorbed TT product is preferred to fluid TT. (All DTaP/DTP/Tdap/DT/Td products contain adsorbed tetanus toxoid.)
5 Give TIG 250 U IM for all ages. It can and should be given simultaneously with the tetanus-containing vaccine.
6 For infants < 6 weeks of age, TIG (without vaccine) is recommended for “dirty” wounds (wounds other than clean, minor).
7 Persons who are HIV positive should receive TIG regardless of tetanus immunization history.

备注:表格分别摘自RAYMOND J. FONSECA等主编的Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 4th edition, Page 509, 769.
