Molecular biology of cancer-the cancer genome


  1. 基因组图谱的绘制将肿瘤的分类学从组织病理学水平提升到了基因水平;
  2. 以肿瘤发生的分子突变为基础的药物设计的成功,证实了以实体细胞基因突变为治疗标靶的合理性;
  3. 肿瘤的基因分型正在帮助临床医生实现肿瘤治疗的个体化;
  4. 肿瘤特异性的基因突变可作为疾病诊断和检测特异性生物标记物;
  5. 正在进行中的多个癌症基因组测序计划将会发现更多的新的治疗标靶,从而带动新的治疗方式的出现。



  1. Mutations in oncogenes typically occur at specific hotspots, often affecting the same codon or clustered at neighboring codons in different tumors.1 Furthermore, mutations in oncogenes are almost always missense, and the mutations usually affect only one allele, making them heterozygous.
  2. In contrast, tumor suppressor genes are usually mutated throughout the gene; a large number of the mutations may truncate the encoded protein and generally affect both alleles, causing loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Major types of somatic mutations present in malignant tumors include nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions (indels), chromosomal rearrangements, and copy number alterations.


尽管在人类基因组计划完成前,已通过如oncovirus analysis, linkage studies, LOH, and cytogenetics等方式鉴定出了诸如KRAS, TP53和APC等肿瘤相关基因,2004年人类基因组计划的完成,预示着生物医学研究进一步了一个全新的时代。这一计划以及人类基因单体型图计划(Hapmap)的实施,预示着鉴定所有癌症相关基因突变的理想将要实现。



通过候选基因法(Candidate Gene Approach)对多个肿瘤中RAS-RAF通路突变基因的系统性分析是这方面的一项代表性工作。自2003年开始,通过候选基因筛选肿瘤相关基因的方法逐渐演变为对基因家族进行突变分析。最初的测序的基因主要是涉及蛋白质及脂质磷酸化的基因家族。因为:

  1. 当时已经发现相应的蛋白质在正常以及肿瘤组织中的细胞信号以及增殖调控中发挥着重要作用;
  2. 已经发现多个蛋白激酶家族和肿瘤发生有关系;
  3. 蛋白激酶可通过药物抑制其活性,很有成为潜在的治疗靶标。

文中举了酪氨酸激酶、蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶以及PI3K基因家族的例子,以及最近发现的蛋白酶(tumor-suppressive proteases),如MMp、ADAM和ADAMTS等,在肿瘤发生中的作用的例子。


通过gene family approach来进行肿瘤相关基因的筛选仍然属于有偏的方法。后续出现的通过一代测序方法进行全基因组外显子突变分析更加全面的展示了肿瘤基因的复杂性:

  1. 每个肿瘤的癌基因组编码区平均存在30-100处体细胞变异(somatic alterations),其中以单碱基替换最为多见;
  2. 单一肿瘤内也存在相当可观的肿瘤内异质性,存在多种依靠组织学分析方法无法识别出来的突变,这一现象与癌症的个体化治疗密切相关;
  3. 不同肿瘤的基因突变谱以及突变的核苷酸背景是不同的;
  4. 许多之前未发现和肿瘤有关的基因可能都参与了这一疾病过程;
  5. 发生于儿童的实体肿瘤,典型的成人实体肿瘤相比,基因突变率只有其5-10分之一,其编码区纯合子确缺失以及拷贝数量均少于成人实体肿瘤。

这些基因组学工程产生的大量数据促进了新的统计学和生物信息学技术的开发,同时通过从总体上对检测到的基因突变的分布进行分析和检测,又让我们可能对看待癌症基因组景观(Cancer genome landscapes)的视角以及对癌基因的定义进行更新。所有的这些工作,最终将导致我们对肿瘤遗传学的理解发生范式转移。




  1. 更高的敏感性,可以检测出仅存在某些亚组肿瘤细胞(subset of tumor cells)中的突变;
  2. 可以同时检测核酸变异和拷贝数变异;
  3. 可以和其他分析方法进行对接,比如基于双端测序读段匹配paried-end reads,可以同时对多种结构变异进行检测,比如缺失、插入和重排等。



Platform Library/Template Preparation Sequencing Method Average Read-Length (Bases) Run Time (Days) Gb Per Run Instrument Cost (U.S. $) Comments
Roche 454 GS FLX Fragment, matepair Emulsion PCR Pyrosequencing 400 0.35 0.45 500,000 Fast run times; High reagent cost
Illumina HiSeq 2000 Fragment, matepair Solid phase Reversible terminator 100–125 8 (mate-pair run) 150–200 540 000 Most widely used platform; Low multiplexing capability
Life/APG’s SOLiD 5500xl Fragment, matepair Emulsion PCR Cleavable probe, sequencing by ligation 35–75 7 (mate-pair run) 180–300 595,000 Inherent error correction; Long run times
Helicos BioSciences HeliScope Fragment, matepair Single molecule Reversible terminator 32 8 (fragment run) 37 999,000 Nonbias template representation; Expensive, high error rates
Pacific Biosciences PacBio RS Fragment Single molecule Real-time sequencing 1,000 1 0.075 NA Greatest potential for long reads; Highest error rates
Polonator G.007 Mate pair Emulsion PCR Noncleavable probe, sequencing by ligation 26 5 (mate-pair run) 12 170,000 Least expensive platform; Shortest read lengths








Genomewide mutational analyses suggest that the mutational landscape of cancer is made up of a handful of genes that are mutated in a high fraction of tumors, otherwise known as mountains, and most mutated genes are altered at relatively low frequencies, otherwise known as hills.

Although highly heterogeneous, bioinformatic studies suggest that the mountains and hills can be grouped into sets of pathways and biologic processes

Passenger and Driver Mutations

Passenger mutations 可以赋予肿瘤某些特性,但是这些特性对于促进肿瘤生长和进化没有帮助;Driver mutations 则是功能性的突变,可以促进肿瘤进化,赋予肿瘤选择优势:The emerging landscapes of cancer genomes include thousands of genes that were not previously linked to tumorigenesis but are found to be somatically mutated. Many of these changes are likely to be passengers, or neutral, in that they have no functional effects on the growth of the tumor. Only a small fraction of the genetic alterations are expected to drive cancer evolution by giving cells a selective advantage over their neighbors. Passenger mutations occur incidentally in a cell that later or in parallel develops a driver mutation but are not ultimately pathogenic.

  1. Passenger mutations的出现频率常常多于Driver mutations,但在一些情况下二者出现频率可能相近,这种情况下二者往往难以分辨,需要结合遗传学和功能学的方法。
  2. The most reliable indicator that a gene was selected for and therefore is highly likely to be pathogenic is the identification of recurrent mutations。
  3. analyses incorporate the number of somatic alterations observed, the number of tumors studied, and the number of nucleotides that were successfully sequenced and analyzed。
  4. Another approach often used to distinguish driver from passenger mutations exploits the statistical analysis of synonymous versus nonsynonymous changes.
  5. Other approaches are based on the concept that driver mutations may have characteristics similar to those causing Mendelian disease when inherited in the germ line and may be identifiable by constraints on tolerated amino acid residues at the mutated positions. In contrast, passenger mutations may have characteristics more similar to those of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms with high minor allele frequencies.
  6. Additional approaches to decipher drivers from passengers include the identification of mutations that affect locations that have previously been shown to be cancer causing in protein members of the same gene family.

Probably the most conclusive methods to identify driver mutations will be rigorous functional studies using biochemical assays as well as model organisms or cultured cells, using knockout and knockin of individual cancer alleles.



如The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), the Pan-Cancer initiative和the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Project Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE)。


The mountains are the handful of commonly mutated genes and the hills represent the vast majority of genes that are infrequently mutated.

肿瘤遗传学景观(tumor genomic landscape)中最让人感到惊异的一个特点是在不同组织的肿瘤中,发生突变的基因是不一样的。这暗示着某一特定基因的突变可能会涉及某一特定组织的肿瘤,或者与特定的肿瘤发展阶段、细胞分化、肿瘤发生有关系,尽管婴儿和成人的不同组织中都存在这些基因。另外一个特点是不同的肿瘤的发生和发展过程,走过的是不同遗传学路径,即特定的肿瘤需要获得其特有的基因突变组合才能最终建立病变。另外一个有趣的发现是,管家基因是广泛存在的,但是涉及管家基因的突变,比如涉及DNA修复或者能量产生的基因,却只见于某些特定种类的肿瘤中。




通过单细胞的全基因组测序发现,肿瘤中除了在多数细胞中常见的基因突变以外,还有很多亚克隆以及de novo突变存在;不同的DNA突变累积的速率也是不一样的。





肿瘤的治疗正在向个性化治疗的方向发展,以根据患者个体的突变景观和肿瘤新抗原库(Neoantigen repertoire)指定个性化的治疗方案。免疫组学的目的在于寻找有效的生物标记物将患者进行分类,以提高免疫治疗的效果。

肿瘤新抗原来自个体特异性的发生于肿瘤细胞的非同义突变以及插入、缺失突变。It was suggested and recently shown in patients that it is the quality, or the “foreignness,” of the neoantigen manifested by its homology to antigens derived from infectious diseases, rather than the actual number of the neoantigens, that predict patient survival.





从基于肿瘤发生部位以及肿瘤形态(组织学形态)的肿瘤分类用于指导治疗和预后分析具有很多明显的缺陷和不足,基于基因突变频率(frequency of mutations)以及突变分布(distribution of mutations)的新的分类学将为肿瘤治疗和预后分析提供更精准的指导。


cfDNA: cell-free circulating DNA
ctDNA: circulating free tumor DNA




The analysis of the cancer genome represents a powerful tool both for the identification of chemotherapeutic signatures as well as to understand resistance mechanisms to therapeutic agents.
